zú足 d e b r u l ebó博shì士zài在shí实jiàn践zhōng中shǐ使yòng用 Fsǎo扫miáo描
See how one podiatrist uses the F-Scan® to benefit his practice! Michael DeBrule, DPM, states, "the number of orthotics I prescribe per week has easily doubled, and my patients have better clinical outcomes."
kàn看dào到yī一gè个zú足bìng病yī医shēng生cǎi采yòng用 F - s c a n ®shòu受yì益tā他de的shí实jiàn践 !mǐ米jiā迦lè勒 d e b r u l e , D P M ,zhuàng状tài态 , “yī一xiē些jiǎo矫xíng形wǒ我kāi开měi每zhōu周yǐ已jīng经qīng轻sōng松fān翻bèi倍 ,wǒ我de的bìng病rén人yǒu有jiào较hǎo好de的lín临chuáng床xiào效guǒ果 。 ”
The F-Scan® Leads to Better Treatment Outcomes in Podiatry Practice
Fsǎo扫miáo描 ®dǎo导zhì致gèng更hǎo好de的zhì治liáo疗zú足bìng病xué学shí实jiàn践
Michael DeBrule, DPM
mǐ米jiā迦lè勒 d e b r u l e , D P M
Marshall, MN
mǎ马xiē歇ěr尔 ,měng锰
A light bulb moment comes when you suddenly realize something of great importance. Cue up a mental image of a purple cartoon cat with a light bulb above his head who suddenly realizes how to catch a mouse.
dāng当nǐ你tū突rán然yì意shí识dào到yī一gè个fēi非cháng常zhòng重yào要de的shì事qing情shí时 ,yī一gè个dēng灯pào泡de的shí时kè刻dào到lái来le了 。yī一zhī只zǐ紫sè色kǎ卡tōng通māo猫de的jīng精shén神xíng形xiàng象 ,shàng上miàn面yǒu有yī一gè个tóu头dǐng顶shàng上yī一gè个dēng灯pào泡 ,tā他tū突rán然yì意shí识dào到rú如hé何zhuō捉lǎo老shǔ鼠 。
My light bulb moment came in 2006 at the Professional Foot and Orthotic Lab Association (PFOLA) conference in Vancouver. I was listening to a lecture about something called the F-Scan plantar pressure analysis system for in-shoe pressure analysis and the light bulb thing happened to me. I knew I had stumbled onto something that would really improve my podiatry practice. When I came back from Vancouver I thought to myself, don’t my patients here in small town Marshall, Minnesota deserve the best that technology has to offer? So, I researched other pressure analysis systems, and the F-Scan clearly seemed to be the best system for my podiatry practice. Six months later, with an ear-to-ear grin, I was opening up the box with the new F-Scan system just like a little kid on Christmas.
wǒ我de的dēng灯pào泡shí时kè刻chū出xiàn现zài在 2 0 0 6de的zhuān专yè业zú足jiǎo矫xíng形qì器shí实yàn验shì室xié协huì会 ( p f o l a )huì会yì议zài在wēn温gē哥huá华jǔ举xíng行 。wǒ我shì是tīng听yī一gè个jiǎng讲zuò座de的dōng东xi西chēng称wéi为 F - s c a nzú足dǐ底yā压lì力fēn分xī析xì系tǒng统zài在xié鞋de的yā压lì力fēn分xī析hé和dēng灯pào泡de的shì事qing情fā发shēng生zài在wǒ我 。wǒ我zhī知dao道wǒ我yǐ已jīng经fā发xiàn现le了yī一xiē些néng能zhēn真zhèng正tí提gāo高wǒ我de的zú足liáo疗shí实jiàn践 。dāng当wǒ我cóng从wēn温gē哥huá华huí回lái来shí时 ,wǒ我xiǎng想 ,bù不wǒ我de的bìng病rén人zài在xiǎo小zhèn镇 M a r s h a l l ,míng明ní尼sū苏dá达zhí值dé得yōng拥yǒu有zuì最hǎo好de的jì技shù术néng能gòu够tí提gōng供de的 ?suǒ所yǐ以 ,wǒ我yán研jiū究le了qí其tā他yā压lì力fēn分xī析xì系tǒng统 ,hé和 Fsǎo扫miáo描qīng清chǔ楚sì似hū乎wǒ我xué学shí实jiàn践de的zuì最jiā佳xì系tǒng统 。liù六gè个yuè月hòu后 ,yī一gè个càn灿làn烂de的xiào笑róng容 ,wǒ我dǎ打kāi开xiāng箱zi子hé和xīn新de的 Fxì系tǒng统jiù就xiàng像shèng圣dàn诞jié节de的xiǎo小hái孩 。
I unpacked the machine and tried to hook it up and figure things out. However, I didn’t really know how this crazy thing worked. Fortunately, Tekscan sent out trainer Jay Cohen to educate me and my staff on the system. Jay was excellent and very thorough. I treated him to some local grub at the Wooden Nickel Bar and he talked about how Marshall seemed so remote compared to New Jersey where he is from. I have to admit, there are a lot more corn fields here in southwest Minnesota.
wǒ我dǎ打kāi开jī机qì器 ,shì试zhe着bǎ把tā它guà挂qǐ起lái来 ,bǎ把shì事qing情nòng弄qīng清chǔ楚 。rán然ér而 ,wǒ我zhēn真de的bù不zhī知dao道zhè这ge个fēng疯kuáng狂de的shì事qing情shì是rú如hé何gōng工zuò作de的 。xìng幸yùn运de的shì是 , T e k s c a npài派chū出jiào教liàn练 J a ykē科ēn恩jiào教yù育wǒ我hé和wǒ我de的yuán员gōng工zài在xì系tǒng统 。jié杰shì是yōu优xiù秀de的 ,fēi非cháng常tòu透chè彻 。wǒ我duì对tā他yǒu有xiē些dì地fāng方qí蛴cáo螬zài在mù木zhì制de的niè镍bàng棒hé和tā他tán谈le了mǎ马xiē歇ěr尔sì似hū乎nà那me么yáo遥yuǎn远de的xīn新zé泽xī西xiāng相bǐ比tā他lái来zì自nǎ哪lǐ里 。wǒ我bù不dé得bù不chéng承rèn认 ,zài在míng明ní尼sū苏dá达xī西nán南bù部yǒu有gèng更duō多de的yù玉mǐ米tián田 。
Of course my training didn’t end after Jay’s visit (physicians are always learning). One month after Jay visited my office, I attended an F-Scan seminar in Cleveland. Dr. Norman Murphy gave an excellent overview of how to use the F-Scan and interpret the results clinically. I also have attended Dr. Murphy’s webinars online through Tekscan. Last September, I went to New York to consult with the well-known biomechanics expert, and fellow F-Scan user, Dr. George Trachtenberg.
dāng当rán然wǒ我de的xùn训liàn练bìng并méi没yǒu有jié结shù束hòu后 ,jié杰de的fǎng访wèn问 (yī医shēng生zǒng总shì是xué学xí习 ) 。zhōu周jié杰lún伦qù去guò过wǒ我bàn办gōng公shì室de的yī一gè个yuè月hòu后 ,wǒ我zài在kè克lì利fū夫lán兰cān参jiā加yī一gè个yán研tǎo讨huì会 , F 。nuò诺màn曼mò墨fēi菲gěi给yī一gè个hěn很hǎo好de的gài概shù述rú如hé何shǐ使yòng用 Fsǎo扫miáo描hé和jiě解shì释jié结guǒ果de的lín临chuáng床 。wǒ我yě也cān参jiā加le了mò墨fēi菲yán研tǎo讨huì会zài在xiàn线tōng通guò过 T e k s c a n 。qù去nián年jiǔ九yuè月 ,wǒ我qù去niǔ纽yuē约yǔ与zhù著míng名de的shēng生wù物lì力xué学zhuān专jiā家zī咨xún询 ,hé和tóng同shì事 Fsǎo扫miáo描yòng用hù户 ,qiáo乔zhì治bó博shì士 T r a c h t e n b e r g 。
Now, in everyday English, what is the F-Scan? Well, it is kind of like doing an EKG test, but for the foot. Paper-thin insole sensors are placed inside a patient’s shoe. Each sensor is similar to having over 900 tiny little scales in the patient’s shoe. When a patient walks, runs, or stands, the sensors send information back to the computer about pressure distribution, force, and timing.
xiàn现zài在 ,zài在rì日cháng常yīng英yǔ语de的 Fshì是shén什me么 ?嗯 ,zhè这shì是yī一zhǒng种xiàng像zuò做xīn心diàn电tú图cè测shì试 ,dàn但jiǎo脚 。báo薄rú如zhǐ纸de的xié鞋diàn垫chuán传gǎn感qì器fàng放zhì置zài在bìng病rén人de的xié鞋 。měi每gè个chuán传gǎn感qì器lèi类sì似yú于bìng病rén人de的xié鞋zi子lǐ里yǒu有chāo超guò过 9 0 0gè个xiǎo小de的lín鳞piàn片 。dāng当bìng病rén人zǒu走lù路 、pǎo跑bù步huò或zhàn站lì立shí时 ,chuán传gǎn感qì器jiāng将xìn信xī息fǎn反kuì馈gěi给jì计suàn算jī机de的yā压lì力fēn分bù布 、lì力liàng量hé和shí时jiān间 。
This information has useful clinical applications:
cǐ此xìn信xī息jù具yǒu有yǒu有yòng用de的lín临chuáng床yìng应yòng用 :
Plantar pressure and gait analysis for sports applications such as running, soccer, baseball, basketball, walking, hockey, football, skiing, and golf
yùn运dòng动 、zú足qiú球 、bàng棒qiú球 、lán篮qiú球 、zú足qiú球 、zú足qiú球 、huá滑xuě雪 、gāo高ěr尔fū夫děng等yùn运dòng动yìng应yòng用de的zú足dǐ底yā压lì力hé和bù步tài态fēn分xī析
Identifying and preventing areas of potential ulceration (sores)
què确dìng定hé和yù预fáng防qián潜zài在de的kuì溃yáng疡 (kuì溃yáng疡 )de的lǐng领yù域
Monitoring degenerative foot disorders
Observing gait abnormalities
Immediately determining the efficiency of orthotic arch support
Pre- and post-surgical evaluations
Troubleshooting for orthotic and treatment plan failures
When I first started using the F-Scan, I was scared that my patients wouldn’t like this strange new test and that the insurance companies wouldn’t cover it. However, within 6 months, the F-Scan paid for itself. I discovered many patients appreciate the importance of gait analysis testing and will even pay out of pocket.
dāng当wǒ我dì第yī一cì次kāi开shǐ始shǐ使yòng用 F ,wǒ我hài害pà怕wǒ我de的bìng病rén人bù不huì会xǐ喜huan欢zhè这ge个mò陌shēng生de的xīn新shì试yàn验 ,bǎo保xiǎn险gōng公sī司bù不huì会yǎn掩gài盖tā它 。rán然ér而 ,zài在 6gè个yuè月nèi内 ,zhī支fù付běn本shēn身de的tè特zhēng征sǎo扫miáo描 。wǒ我fā发xiàn现le了xǔ许duō多bìng病rén人dōu都hěn很gǎn感jī激bù步tài态fēn分xī析cè测shì试de的zhòng重yào要xìng性 ,shèn甚zhì至huì会gěi给zì自jǐ己de的kǒu口dài袋lǐ里tāo掏yāo腰bāo包 。
Looking back, F-Scan has been great for my practice and my patients. The number of orthotics I prescribe per week has easily doubled and my patients have better clinical outcomes. Last month I moved into a brand new office, twice the size of my old one. My new office features a 450 square foot gait room with a walkway for the F-Scan and video gait analysis. The F-Scan has also opened a door to helping new patients with postural pain (lower back, hip, and knee pain) by correcting their foot dysfunction. It’s nice to start my Monday morning with hearing how someone’s lower back pain is improving along with their forefoot pain. Postural pain patients are starting to trickle into my office by word of mouth even when they don’t have any foot pain.
huí回tóu头kàn看 , Fyī一zhí直hěn很dà大 ,wǒ我hé和wǒ我de的bìng病rén人 。yī一xiē些jiǎo矫xíng形wǒ我kāi开měi每zhōu周yǐ已jīng经qīng轻sōng松fān翻bèi倍 ,wǒ我de的bìng病rén人yǒu有jiào较hǎo好de的lín临chuáng床liáo疗xiào效 。shàng上gè个yuè月wǒ我bān搬jìn进le了yī一gè个xīn新de的bàn办gōng公shì室 ,liǎng两cì次shì是wǒ我de的jiù旧bàn办gōng公shì室 。wǒ我de的xīn新bàn办gōng公shì室 ,shè设yǒu有yī一gè个 4 5 0píng平fāng方yīng英chǐ尺de的bù步tài态jiān间wéi为 Fsǎo扫miáo描hé和shì视pín频bù步tài态fēn分xī析tōng通dào道 。 Fsǎo扫miáo描yě也dǎ打kāi开le了yī一shān扇mén门 ,bāng帮zhù助xīn新huàn患zhě者tǐ体wèi位téng疼tòng痛 (bèi背bù部 、tún臀bù部 、xī膝guān关jié节téng疼tòng痛 )jiū纠zhèng正tā他men们de的jiǎo脚gōng功néng能 。zhè这shì是hǎo好de的kāi开shǐ始wǒ我xīng星qī期yī一zǎo早shang上tīng听dào到mǒu某rén人yāo腰tòng痛gǎi改shàn善suí随zhe着tā他men们de的jiǎo脚téng疼 。zī姿shì势xìng性téng疼tòng痛de的bìng病rén人kāi开shǐ始jìn进rù入wǒ我de的bàn办gōng公shì室de的huà话 ,jí即shǐ使tā他men们méi没yǒu有rèn任hé何jiǎo脚téng疼tòng痛 。
What happens when patients don’t get better and the pain doesn’t go away? Instead of just shrugging my shoulders, I retest with the F-Scan. Then I try to change whatever I missed in my orthotic prescription or treatment plan.
dāng当bìng病rén人méi没yǒu有dé得dào到gèng更hǎo好de的téng疼tòng痛bìng并méi没yǒu有xiāo消shī失de的shí时hou候huì会fā发shēng生shén什me么 ?ér而zhǐ只shì是sǒng耸le了sǒng耸jiān肩 ,wǒ我fù复shì试yǔ与 Fsǎo扫miáo描 。rán然hòu后wǒ我shì试zhe着gǎi改biàn变wǒ我cuò错guò过le了shén什me么wǒ我de的jiǎo矫xíng形qì器chǔ处fāng方huò或zhì治liáo疗fāng方àn案 。
Now the F-Scan is only a diagnostic test, like an MRI or a white blood count. Ordering a test does not guarantee that a patient’s condition will get better or improve. But why would you walk in the dark if you could turn on a light bulb?
xiàn现zài在 Fsǎo扫miáo描zhǐ只shì是yī一gè个zhěn诊duàn断cè测shì试 ,rú如 M R Ihuò或bái白xì细bāo胞jì计shù数 。dìng订gòu购yī一gè个cè测shì试bìng并bù不néng能bǎo保zhèng证bìng病rén人de的bìng病qíng情huì会dé得dào到hǎo好zhuǎn转huò或gǎi改shàn善 。dàn但shì是 ,rú如guǒ果nǐ你néng能dǎ打kāi开yī一gè个dēng灯pào泡 ,wèi为shén什me么nǐ你huì会zǒu走zài在hēi黑àn暗zhōng中 ?